Первое послание апостола Павла христианам в КоринфеГлава 7 |
1 |
2 И всё же, чтобы не впасть в блуд, пусть у каждого будет своя жена, и у каждой женщины — свой муж. |
3 Муж должен исполнять свои супружеские обязанности по отношению к жене, так же и жена — по отношению к мужу. |
4 Жена не властна над своим телом — оно принадлежит мужу, также и муж не властен над своим телом — оно принадлежит жене. |
5 Не уклоняйтесь друг от друга, разве только по взаимному согласию на время, чтобы полностью посвятить себя молитве, а потом опять будьте вместе, иначе вы можете не совладать с собой, и сатана искусит вас. |
6 Не повелеваю я, но говорю так по снисхождению к вам. |
7 Хотелось бы мне, чтобы все люди были, как я, но у каждого свой особый дар от Бога: у одного такой дар, у другого — иной. |
8 |
9 Но если они не могут воздерживаться, пусть женятся, ибо лучше жениться, чем сгорать от вожделения. |
10 |
11 (если же случится такое, пусть остается одинокой или примирится с мужем), и муж не должен разводиться с женою. |
12 |
13 И если у женщины муж неверующий, а он согласен жить с ней, пусть и она с ним не разводится. |
14 Ибо неверующий муж освящен через свою жену, как и неверующая жена освящена через своего верующего мужа. Иначе ваши дети были бы «нечисты», а теперь и они святы. |
15 |
16 Откуда ты знаешь, жена, не спасешь ли мужа? Или ты, муж, откуда знаешь, не спасешь ли жену? |
17 |
18 Призван ли кто обрезанным, пусть остаётся с обрезанием; призван ли кто необрезанным, пусть не подвергается обрезанию. |
19 Обрезание ничто, и необрезание ничто, но всё — в соблюдении заповедей Божьих. |
20 Пусть каждый остается в том положении, в каком был призван. |
21 Был ты рабом, когда призвал тебя Бог? Пусть это тебя не тревожит. Если же представится возможность стать свободным, воспользуйся этим наилучшим образом, |
22 памятуя, что раб, призванный к новой жизни в единении с Господом, — воистину вольноотпущенник Господа, а всякий свободный человек, коли он призван, есть раб Христов. |
23 За высокую цену вы куплены — так не будьте рабами людей! |
24 Пусть каждый из вас, братья, остается с Богом в том положении, в каком был призван. |
25 |
26 Вот что, я полагаю, хорошо для человека в наше суровое время: хорошо ему оставаться, как он есть. |
27 Связан ты узами брака с женой? Не ищи развода. Остался без жены? Не ищи себе жены. |
28 Впрочем, если и женишься — не согрешишь, и если незамужняя женщина выйдет замуж — не согрешит, но вступающих в брак ждет много мук в этой жизни, а я бы хотел уберечь вас от этого. |
29 |
30 и плачущие — как не плачущие, и радующиеся — как не радующиеся, и покупающие — как не владеющие купленным, |
31 и занимающиеся делами этого мира — как люди, не закабаленные ими, ибо мир сей, какой есть, идет к своему концу. |
32 |
33 а женатый печется о мирском, о том, как угодить своей жене, — |
34 и дух его раздвоен. Так и незамужняя женщина или девушка заботится о Господнем, чтобы быть и телом и духом Ему посвященной, а замужняя занята мирским, тем, как угодить мужу. |
35 Говорю это не из желания надеть на вас узду, но чтобы всё у вас было как должно, и вы могли безраздельно посвятить себя Господу — ради вашего блага говорю. |
36 |
37 Если же кто, будучи тверд сердцем, по собственной своей воле, ничем к тому не понуждаемый, твердо решил в уме своем блюсти свою невесту в девстве, хорошо он делает. |
38 Так что, кто женится на своей невесте, поступает хорошо, но тот, кто не женится, поступает лучше. |
39 |
40 Однако она блаженнее будет, если останется незамужней; такое мое мнение, а я думаю, что и во мне есть Дух Божий. |
1 CorinthiansChapter 7 |
1 NOW concerning the things which you wrote to me: It is proper for a husband not to have intimacy with his wife at times. |
2 Nevertheless, because of the danger of immorality, let every man cling to his own wife, and let every woman cling to her own husband. |
3 Let the husband give to his wife the love which he owes her; and likewise also the wife to her husband. |
4 The wife has no authority over her own body, but her husband; and likewise also the husband has no authority over his own body, but his wife. |
5 Therefore do not deprive one another except when both of you consent to do so, especially at the time when you devote yourselves to fasting and prayer; and then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your physical passion. |
6 But I say this only to weak persons, for it is not part of the law. |
7 For I would that all men were like myself in purity. But every man has his proper gift from God, one after this manner, and another after that. |
8 I say this to those who have no wives and to widows, It is better for them to be as I am; |
9 But if they cannot endure it, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. |
10 But those who have wives, I command, yet not I, but my LORD, Let not the wife be separated from her husband; |
11 But if she separate, let her remain single, or be reconciled to her husband; and let not the husband desert his wife. |
12 But to the rest, I say this, not my LORD: If any brother has a wife who is not a convert, and she wishes to live with him, let him not leave her. |
13 And the woman who has a husband who is not a convert but is content to live with her, let her not leave him. |
14 For the husband who is not a convert is sanctified through the wife who is a convert, and the wife who is not a convert is sanctified through the husband who is a convert; otherwise, their children would be impure, but in such cases they are pure. |
15 But if the one who is not a convert wishes to separate, let him separate. In such cases, a convert man or woman is free; for God has called us to live in peace. |
16 For how do you know, O wife, that you shall save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, that you shall save your wife? |
17 But every man, according as the LORD has distributed to him, and every man, as God has called him, so let him walk. And this I command also for all the churches. |
18 If a man was circumcised when he was called, let him not adhere to the party of uncircumcision. And if he was uncircumcised, when he was called, let him not be circumcised. |
19 For circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the LORD's commandments is everything. |
20 Let every man remain in the station of life in which he is called. |
21 If you were a slave when you were called, do not feel concerned about it; but even though you can be made free, choose rather to serve. |
22 For he who is called by our LORD, being a slave, is God's free man; likewise he who is called, being a freeman, is also Christ's servant. |
23 You have been bought with a price; you must not therefore become slaves of men. |
24 My brethren, let every man in whatever station of life he was called, remain therein, serving God. |
25 Now concerning virginity, I have no command from God; yet I give my advice as one who has been favored by God to be trustworthy. |
26 And I suppose that this is good for the present necessity, therefore I say, It is better for a man to remain as he is. |
27 If you are married, do not seek divorce. If you are divorced from a wife, do not seek a wife. |
28 But if you marry, you do not sin; and if a virgin marry, she does not sin. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you. |
29 But this I do say, my brethren, the time is short; let those who have wives be as though they had none; |
30 And those who weep, as though they had not wept; and those who rejoice, as though they had not rejoiced; and those who buy, as though they did not possess anything; |
31 And those who make use of this world should not abuse it, for the fashion of this world is passing away. |
32 Therefore I would that you were free from worldly cares. For he who is unmarried, is concerned in the things of his master, so as to please his master. |
33 And he who is married is concerned with worldly things, in order to please his wife. |
34 So there is a difference between a married woman and a virgin. She who is unmarried is concerned about the welfare of her father, and to be pure both in body and in spirit; but she who is married is concerned with worldly things, in order to please her husband. |
35 I am saying this for your own benefit; I am not trying to snare or put a yoke on you, but I exhort you to be perfect before the LORD, and faithful without distraction. |
36 If any man thinks that he is shamed by the behavior of his virgin daughter, because she has passed the marriage age, and he has not given her in marriage, and that he should give her, let him give her in marriage and he does not sin. Let her be married. |
37 Nevertheless, he who has sincerely decided, and who is not forced by circumstances, but has determined and decreed in his heart to keep his virgin daughter single, he does well. |
38 So then he who gives his virgin daughter in marriage does well; and he who does not give his virgin daughter in marriage does even better. |
39 A wife is bound by the law, as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is free to marry whom she pleases, but only in our LORD. |
40 But in my opinion, she is happier to remain as she is. And I think also that I have the Spirit of God. |
Первое послание апостола Павла христианам в КоринфеГлава 7 |
1 CorinthiansChapter 7 |
1 |
1 NOW concerning the things which you wrote to me: It is proper for a husband not to have intimacy with his wife at times. |
2 И всё же, чтобы не впасть в блуд, пусть у каждого будет своя жена, и у каждой женщины — свой муж. |
2 Nevertheless, because of the danger of immorality, let every man cling to his own wife, and let every woman cling to her own husband. |
3 Муж должен исполнять свои супружеские обязанности по отношению к жене, так же и жена — по отношению к мужу. |
3 Let the husband give to his wife the love which he owes her; and likewise also the wife to her husband. |
4 Жена не властна над своим телом — оно принадлежит мужу, также и муж не властен над своим телом — оно принадлежит жене. |
4 The wife has no authority over her own body, but her husband; and likewise also the husband has no authority over his own body, but his wife. |
5 Не уклоняйтесь друг от друга, разве только по взаимному согласию на время, чтобы полностью посвятить себя молитве, а потом опять будьте вместе, иначе вы можете не совладать с собой, и сатана искусит вас. |
5 Therefore do not deprive one another except when both of you consent to do so, especially at the time when you devote yourselves to fasting and prayer; and then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your physical passion. |
6 Не повелеваю я, но говорю так по снисхождению к вам. |
6 But I say this only to weak persons, for it is not part of the law. |
7 Хотелось бы мне, чтобы все люди были, как я, но у каждого свой особый дар от Бога: у одного такой дар, у другого — иной. |
7 For I would that all men were like myself in purity. But every man has his proper gift from God, one after this manner, and another after that. |
8 |
8 I say this to those who have no wives and to widows, It is better for them to be as I am; |
9 Но если они не могут воздерживаться, пусть женятся, ибо лучше жениться, чем сгорать от вожделения. |
9 But if they cannot endure it, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. |
10 |
10 But those who have wives, I command, yet not I, but my LORD, Let not the wife be separated from her husband; |
11 (если же случится такое, пусть остается одинокой или примирится с мужем), и муж не должен разводиться с женою. |
11 But if she separate, let her remain single, or be reconciled to her husband; and let not the husband desert his wife. |
12 |
12 But to the rest, I say this, not my LORD: If any brother has a wife who is not a convert, and she wishes to live with him, let him not leave her. |
13 И если у женщины муж неверующий, а он согласен жить с ней, пусть и она с ним не разводится. |
13 And the woman who has a husband who is not a convert but is content to live with her, let her not leave him. |
14 Ибо неверующий муж освящен через свою жену, как и неверующая жена освящена через своего верующего мужа. Иначе ваши дети были бы «нечисты», а теперь и они святы. |
14 For the husband who is not a convert is sanctified through the wife who is a convert, and the wife who is not a convert is sanctified through the husband who is a convert; otherwise, their children would be impure, but in such cases they are pure. |
15 |
15 But if the one who is not a convert wishes to separate, let him separate. In such cases, a convert man or woman is free; for God has called us to live in peace. |
16 Откуда ты знаешь, жена, не спасешь ли мужа? Или ты, муж, откуда знаешь, не спасешь ли жену? |
16 For how do you know, O wife, that you shall save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, that you shall save your wife? |
17 |
17 But every man, according as the LORD has distributed to him, and every man, as God has called him, so let him walk. And this I command also for all the churches. |
18 Призван ли кто обрезанным, пусть остаётся с обрезанием; призван ли кто необрезанным, пусть не подвергается обрезанию. |
18 If a man was circumcised when he was called, let him not adhere to the party of uncircumcision. And if he was uncircumcised, when he was called, let him not be circumcised. |
19 Обрезание ничто, и необрезание ничто, но всё — в соблюдении заповедей Божьих. |
19 For circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the LORD's commandments is everything. |
20 Пусть каждый остается в том положении, в каком был призван. |
20 Let every man remain in the station of life in which he is called. |
21 Был ты рабом, когда призвал тебя Бог? Пусть это тебя не тревожит. Если же представится возможность стать свободным, воспользуйся этим наилучшим образом, |
21 If you were a slave when you were called, do not feel concerned about it; but even though you can be made free, choose rather to serve. |
22 памятуя, что раб, призванный к новой жизни в единении с Господом, — воистину вольноотпущенник Господа, а всякий свободный человек, коли он призван, есть раб Христов. |
22 For he who is called by our LORD, being a slave, is God's free man; likewise he who is called, being a freeman, is also Christ's servant. |
23 За высокую цену вы куплены — так не будьте рабами людей! |
23 You have been bought with a price; you must not therefore become slaves of men. |
24 Пусть каждый из вас, братья, остается с Богом в том положении, в каком был призван. |
24 My brethren, let every man in whatever station of life he was called, remain therein, serving God. |
25 |
25 Now concerning virginity, I have no command from God; yet I give my advice as one who has been favored by God to be trustworthy. |
26 Вот что, я полагаю, хорошо для человека в наше суровое время: хорошо ему оставаться, как он есть. |
26 And I suppose that this is good for the present necessity, therefore I say, It is better for a man to remain as he is. |
27 Связан ты узами брака с женой? Не ищи развода. Остался без жены? Не ищи себе жены. |
27 If you are married, do not seek divorce. If you are divorced from a wife, do not seek a wife. |
28 Впрочем, если и женишься — не согрешишь, и если незамужняя женщина выйдет замуж — не согрешит, но вступающих в брак ждет много мук в этой жизни, а я бы хотел уберечь вас от этого. |
28 But if you marry, you do not sin; and if a virgin marry, she does not sin. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you. |
29 |
29 But this I do say, my brethren, the time is short; let those who have wives be as though they had none; |
30 и плачущие — как не плачущие, и радующиеся — как не радующиеся, и покупающие — как не владеющие купленным, |
30 And those who weep, as though they had not wept; and those who rejoice, as though they had not rejoiced; and those who buy, as though they did not possess anything; |
31 и занимающиеся делами этого мира — как люди, не закабаленные ими, ибо мир сей, какой есть, идет к своему концу. |
31 And those who make use of this world should not abuse it, for the fashion of this world is passing away. |
32 |
32 Therefore I would that you were free from worldly cares. For he who is unmarried, is concerned in the things of his master, so as to please his master. |
33 а женатый печется о мирском, о том, как угодить своей жене, — |
33 And he who is married is concerned with worldly things, in order to please his wife. |
34 и дух его раздвоен. Так и незамужняя женщина или девушка заботится о Господнем, чтобы быть и телом и духом Ему посвященной, а замужняя занята мирским, тем, как угодить мужу. |
34 So there is a difference between a married woman and a virgin. She who is unmarried is concerned about the welfare of her father, and to be pure both in body and in spirit; but she who is married is concerned with worldly things, in order to please her husband. |
35 Говорю это не из желания надеть на вас узду, но чтобы всё у вас было как должно, и вы могли безраздельно посвятить себя Господу — ради вашего блага говорю. |
35 I am saying this for your own benefit; I am not trying to snare or put a yoke on you, but I exhort you to be perfect before the LORD, and faithful without distraction. |
36 |
36 If any man thinks that he is shamed by the behavior of his virgin daughter, because she has passed the marriage age, and he has not given her in marriage, and that he should give her, let him give her in marriage and he does not sin. Let her be married. |
37 Если же кто, будучи тверд сердцем, по собственной своей воле, ничем к тому не понуждаемый, твердо решил в уме своем блюсти свою невесту в девстве, хорошо он делает. |
37 Nevertheless, he who has sincerely decided, and who is not forced by circumstances, but has determined and decreed in his heart to keep his virgin daughter single, he does well. |
38 Так что, кто женится на своей невесте, поступает хорошо, но тот, кто не женится, поступает лучше. |
38 So then he who gives his virgin daughter in marriage does well; and he who does not give his virgin daughter in marriage does even better. |
39 |
39 A wife is bound by the law, as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is free to marry whom she pleases, but only in our LORD. |
40 Однако она блаженнее будет, если останется незамужней; такое мое мнение, а я думаю, что и во мне есть Дух Божий. |
40 But in my opinion, she is happier to remain as she is. And I think also that I have the Spirit of God. |